The DorMauri Story
This type of mineral clay has been known to the Indigenous people of Canada for centuries. It is estimated that the first contact with a representative of modern science took place in the 1940's when the government started to provide medical care to the inhabitants in some Canada's most remote and isolated communities.
Doctors visited the tiny towns and fishing villages along the northern coastline repeatedly several times a year. One route passed a village where the children were suffering from a variety of rashes and skin lesions, likely a result of the climate and access to medical facilities. It was promised, when the doctors returned, they would bring the appropriate modern ointments, salves, and antibiotic skin creams to help cure the problem.
Months later with a planeload of supplies, the doctors were astonished to discover that the children were completely cured. Had someone been through the village? The locals explained that they had merely taken the children to visit “the mud baths”. They described a tidal flat where a particular clay was known and used by the village for its healing properties.
The locals took the doctors to the location. They waited until late after midnight, at the lowest tide, and was led out onto the tidal flat. The receding tide had exposed a hidden hot spring steaming in the night air. And there was more to the spring, oozing and bubbling from the hot spring, a greenish clay was discovered.
This, was the secret of the recovery of the children: a gift from the depths of the earth, brought to the surface by a hot spring, its location a closely guarded secret for hundreds of years. Now, years later, the secret and benefits of the clay is being passed onto you through DorMauri facial products.